Schedules and Tables 2021


ACE Play-Offs

Each match should be contested over two rounds (home and away), each worth the usual 6 points. The player with the most points after two matches wins the round. If the score is 6-6 after two rounds, the players should proceed to sudden death immediately following the conclusion of the second round. The players may agree to play a single round match. Please report your total match result, not the individual round results.

Ace Division Table

PosPlayerPlayedHomeAwayBonusTotal Points

Ace Division Schedule

Barclay NeilsonMal Hagan
Chris BrownKyle Gerard
Roger GilhespyJerome Cavanagh
Richard SmithDean Meyer
Jerome CavanaghRichard Smith
Dean MeyerBarclay Neilson
Kyle GerardRoger Gilhespy
Chris BrownMal Hagan
Barclay NeilsonJerome Cavanagh
Richard SmithKyle Gerard
Roger GilhespyChris Brown
Mal HaganDean Meyer
Dean MeyerJerome Cavanagh
Kyle GerardBarclay Neilson
Chris BrownRichard Smith
Roger GilhespyMal Hagan
Richard SmithRoger Gilhespy
Kyle GerardDean Meyer
Mal HaganJerome Cavanagh
Barclay NeilsonChris Brown
Jerome CavanaghChris Brown
Mal HaganKyle Gerard
Dean MeyerRoger Gilhespy
Barclay NeilsonRichard Smith
Jerome CavanaghDean Meyer
Barclay NeilsonKyle Gerard
Mal HaganRoger Gilhespy
Richard SmithChris Brown
Chris BrownBarclay Neilson
Roger GilhespyRichard Smith
Jerome CavanaghMal Hagan
Dean MeyerKyle Gerard
Kyle GerardJerome Cavanagh
Chris BrownDean Meyer
Richard SmithMal Hagan
Roger GilhespyBarclay Neilson
Kyle GerardChris Brown
Mal HaganBarclay Neilson
Jerome CavanaghRoger Gilhespy
Dean MeyerRichard Smith
Richard SmithJerome Cavanagh
Roger GilhespyKyle Gerard
Mal HaganChris Brown
Barclay NeilsonDean Meyer
Dean MeyerMal Hagan
Jerome CavanaghBarclay Neilson
Chris BrownRoger Gilhespy
Kyle GerardRichard Smith
Jerome CavanaghKyle Gerard
Mal HaganRichard Smith
Barclay NeilsonRoger Gilhespy
Chris BrownJerome Cavanagh
Richard SmithBarclay Neilson
Kyle GerardMal Hagan
Roger GilhespyDean Meyer
Dean MeyerChris Brown
Mal HaganRoger Gilhespy

GOOSE Play Offs

Each match should be contested over two rounds (home and away), each worth the usual 6 points. The player with the most points after two matches wins the round. If the score is 6-6 after two rounds, the players should proceed to sudden death immediately following the conclusion of the second round. The players may agree to play a single round match. Please report your total match result, not the individual round results.

Goose Division Table

PosPlayerPlayedHomeAwayBonusTotal Points

Goose Division Schedule

Jim GoosenErv Froese
Dwayne ThiessenDaniel Caton
Bryan EwartDave Samborsky
Erv FroeseBryan Ewart
Dwayne ThiessenJim Goosen
Daniel CatonDoug Dyment
Dave SamborskyErv Froese
Bryan EwartDwayne Thiessen
Jim GoosenDoug Dyment
Dwayne ThiessenDave Samborsky
Daniel CatonJim Goosen
Doug DymentBryan Ewart
Bryan EwartDaniel Caton
Dave SamborskyDoug Dyment
Erv FroeseDwayne Thiessen
Jim GoosenBryan Ewart
Daniel CatonDave Samborsky
Doug DymentErv Froese
Dave SamborskyJim Goosen
Erv FroeseDaniel Caton
Dwayne ThiessenDoug Dyment
Daniel CatonDwayne Thiessen
Dave SamborskyBryan Ewart
Erv FroeseJim Goosen
Bryan EwartErv Froese
Jim GoosenDwayne Thiessen
Doug DymentDaniel Caton
Dwayne ThiessenBryan Ewart
Erv FroeseDave Samborsky
Doug DymentJim Goosen
Jim GoosenDaniel Caton
Dave SamborskyDwayne Thiessen
Bryan EwartDoug Dyment
Daniel CatonBryan Ewart
Doug DymentDave Samborsky
Dwayne ThiessenErv Froese
Dave SamborskyDaniel Caton
Bryan EwartJim Goosen
Erv FroeseDoug Dyment
Jim GoosenDave Samborsky
Doug DymentDwayne Thiessen
Daniel CatonErv Froese
Daniel CatonJim Goosen
Doug DymentDave Samborsky
Daniel CatonDoug Dyment


Each match should be contested over two rounds (home and away), each worth the usual 6 points. The player with the most points after two matches wins the round. If the score is 6-6 after two rounds, the players should proceed to sudden death immediately following the conclusion of the second round. The players may agree to play a single round match. Please report your total match result, not the individual round results.


Jug Padda

Albatross Division Table

PosPlayerPlayedHomeAwayBonusTotal Points

Albatross Division Schedule

Rob VaishManny Bains
Jug PaddaJoe Crocker
Wayne TempleAmar Bajwa
Stan CunninghamTom MacIsaac
Tom MacIsaacJug Padda
Manny BainsStan Cunningham
Wayne TempleRob Vaish
Amar BajwaJoe Crocker
Jug PaddaAmar Bajwa
Tom MacIsaacManny Bains
Stan CunninghamWayne Temple
Rob VaishJoe Crocker
Manny BainsJug Padda
Wayne TempleTom MacIsaac
Amar BajwaRob Vaish
Joe CrockerStan Cunningham
Stan CunninghamAmar Bajwa
Tom MacIsaacJoe Crocker
Manny BainsWayne Temple
Rob VaishJug Padda
Rob VaishStan Cunningham
Amar BajwaTom MacIsaac
Jug PaddaWayne Temple
Joe CrockerManny Bains
Tom MacIsaacRob Vaish
Stan CunninghamJug Padda
Manny BainsAmar Bajwa
Wayne TempleJoe Crocker
Amar BajwaWayne Temple
Joe CrockerJug Padda
Tom MacIsaacStan Cunningham
Manny BainsRob Vaish
Stan CunninghamManny Bains
Jug PaddaTom MacIsaac
Rob VaishWayne Temple
Joe CrockerAmar Bajwa
Wayne TempleStan Cunningham
Manny BainsTom MacIsaac
Joe CrockerRob Vaish
Amar BajwaJug Padda
Rob VaishAmar Bajwa
Jug PaddaManny Bains
Tom MacIsaacWayne Temple
Stan CunninghamJoe Crocker
Amar BajwaStan Cunningham
Joe CrockerTom MacIsaac
Jug PaddaRob Vaish
Wayne TempleManny Bains
Tom MacIsaacAmar Bajwa
Wayne TempleJug Padda
Stan CunninghamRob Vaish
Manny BainsJoe Crocker
Rob VaishTom MacIsaac
Jug PaddaStan Cunningham
Joe CrockerWayne Temple
Amar BajwaManny Bains
Jug PaddaTom MacIsaac
Joe CrockerManny Bains
Manny BainsJug Padda

EAGLE Play Offs

Each match should be contested over two rounds (home and away), each worth the usual 6 points. The player with the most points after two matches wins the round. If the score is 6-6 after two rounds, the players should proceed to sudden death immediately following the conclusion of the second round. The players may agree to play a single round match. Please report your total match result, not the individual round results.

Eagle Division Table

PosPlayerPlayedHomeAwayBonusTotal Points

Eagle Division Schedule

Eleonore IsaakSteve Kelso
Sandy McBrideFrank Efremjan
Jatinder BhangavBlair Clark
Tim DrakeKeith Graham
Keith GrahamSandy McBride
Steve KelsoTim Drake
Jatinder BhangavEleonore Isaak
Blair ClarkFrank Efremjan
Sandy McBrideBlair Clark
Keith GrahamSteve Kelso
Tim DrakeJatinder Bhangav
Eleonore IsaakFrank Efremjan
Steve KelsoSandy McBride
Jatinder BhangavKeith Graham
Blair ClarkEleonore Isaak
Frank EfremjanTim Drake
Tim DrakeBlair Clark
Keith GrahamFrank Efremjan
Steve KelsoJatinder Bhangav
Eleonore IsaakSandy McBride
Eleonore IsaakTim Drake
Blair ClarkKeith Graham
Sandy McBrideJatinder Bhangav
Frank EfremjanSteve Kelso
Keith GrahamEleonore Isaak
Tim DrakeSandy McBride
Steve KelsoBlair Clark
Jatinder BhangavFrank Efremjan
Blair ClarkJatinder Bhangav
Frank EfremjanSandy McBride
Keith GrahamTim Drake
Steve KelsoEleonore Isaak
Tim DrakeSteve Kelso
Sandy McBrideKeith Graham
Eleonore IsaakJatinder Bhangav
Frank EfremjanBlair Clark
Jatinder BhangavTim Drake
Steve KelsoKeith Graham
Frank EfremjanEleonore Isaak
Blair ClarkSandy McBride
Eleonore IsaakBlair Clark
Sandy McBrideSteve Kelso
Keith GrahamJatinder Bhangav
Tim DrakeFrank Efremjan
Blair ClarkTim Drake
Frank EfremjanKeith Graham
Sandy McBrideEleonore Isaak
Jatinder BhangavSteve Kelso
Keith GrahamBlair Clark
Jatinder BhangavSandy McBride
Tim DrakeEleonore Isaak
Steve KelsoFrank Efremjan
Eleonore IsaakKeith Graham
Sandy McBrideTim Drake
Frank EfremjanJatinder Bhangav
Blair ClarkSteve Kelso
Blair ClarkSteve Kelso
Frank EfremjanJatinder Bhangav
Frank EfremjanBlair Clark

BIRDIE Play Offs

Each match should be contested over two rounds (home and away), each worth the usual 6 points. The player with the most points after two matches wins the round. If the score is 6-6 after two rounds, the players should proceed to sudden death immediately following the conclusion of the second round. The players may agree to play a single round match. Please report your total match result, not the individual round results.

Birdie Division Table

PosPlayerPlayedHomeAwayBonusTotal Points

Birdie Division Schedule

Mike RobinsonJoey Mindel
Gary HemlowJoey Mindel
Rick McCarthyMohan Gill
Al PennerShana Bains
Mike RobinsonDoug Mirva
Mike RobinsonRick McCarthy
Joey MindelMohan Gill
Shana BainsGary Hemlow
Doug MirvaAl Penner
Gary HemlowDoug Mirva
Al PennerMike Robinson
Mohan GillShana Bains
Joey MindelRick McCarthy
Mike RobinsonGary Hemlow
Doug MirvaMohan Gill
Shana BainsJoey Mindel
Rick McCarthyAl Penner
Al PennerGary Hemlow
Mohan GillMike Robinson
Joey MindelDoug Mirva
Shana BainsRick McCarthy
Doug MirvaShana Bains
Mohan GillAl Penner
Rick McCarthyGary Hemlow
Gary HemlowAl Penner
Mike RobinsonMohan Gill
Rick McCarthyShana Bains
Doug MirvaJoey Mindel
Joey MindelMike Robinson
Shana BainsDoug Mirva
Gary HemlowRick McCarthy
Al PennerMohan Gill
Mohan GillGary Hemlow
Joey MindelAl Penner
Doug MirvaRick McCarthy
Shana BainsMike Robinson
Mohan GillJoey Mindel
Rick McCarthyMike Robinson
Gary HemlowShana Bains
Al PennerDoug Mirva
Doug MirvaGary Hemlow
Shana BainsMohan Gill
Rick McCarthyJoey Mindel
Mike RobinsonAl Penner
Al PennerRick McCarthy
Gary HemlowMike Robinson
Joey MindelShana Bains
Mohan GillDoug Mirva
Al PennerJoey Mindel
Gary HemlowMohan Gill
Rick McCarthyDoug Mirva
Mike RobinsonShana Bains
Joey MindelGary Hemlow
Doug MirvaMike Robinson
Mohan GillRick McCarthy
Shana BainsAl Penner
Joey MindelAl Penner
Rick McCarthyDoug Mirva
Al PennerRick McCarthy

PAR Play Offs

Each match should be contested over two rounds (home and away), each worth the usual 6 points. The player with the most points after two matches wins the round. If the score is 6-6 after two rounds, the players should proceed to sudden death immediately following the conclusion of the second round. The players may agree to play a single round match. Please report your total match result, not the individual round results.

Par Division Table

PosPlayerPlayedHomeAwayBonusTotal Points

Par Division Schedule

Deena MirvaMike O’Dell
Jason WalshCody Hall
Kuljeet CheemaShawn Sedlar
Darryl BarnesStacey McIlwaine
Stacey McIlwaineJason Walsh
Mike O’DellDarryl Barnes
Kuljeet CheemaDeena Mirva
Shawn SedlarCody Hall
Jason WalshShawn Sedlar
Stacey McIlwaineMike O’Dell
Darryl BarnesKuljeet Cheema
Deena MirvaCody Hall
Mike O’DellJason Walsh
Kuljeet CheemaStacey McIlwaine
Shawn SedlarDeena Mirva
Cody HallDarryl Barnes
Darryl BarnesShawn Sedlar
Stacey McIlwaineCody Hall
Mike O’DellKuljeet Cheema
Deena MirvaJason Walsh
Deena MirvaDarryl Barnes
Shawn SedlarStacey McIlwaine
Jason WalshKuljeet Cheema
Cody HallMike O’Dell
Stacey McIlwaineDeena Mirva
Darryl BarnesJason Walsh
Mike O’DellShawn Sedlar
Kuljeet CheemaCody Hall
Shawn SedlarKuljeet Cheema
Cody HallJason Walsh
Stacey McIlwaineDarryl Barnes
Mike O’DellDeena Mirva
Darryl BarnesMike O’Dell
Jason WalshStacey McIlwaine
Deena MirvaKuljeet Cheema
Cody HallShawn Sedlar
Kuljeet CheemaDarryl Barnes
Mike O’DellStacey McIlwaine
Cody HallDeena Mirva
Shawn SedlarJason Walsh
Deena MirvaShawn Sedlar
Jason WalshMike O’Dell
Stacey McIlwaineKuljeet Cheema
Darryl BarnesCody Hall
Shawn SedlarDarryl Barnes
Cody HallStacey McIlwaine
Jason WalshDeena Mirva
Kuljeet CheemaMike O’Dell
Stacey McIlwaineShawn Sedlar
Kuljeet CheemaJason Walsh
Darryl BarnesDeena Mirva
Mike O’DellCody Hall
Deena MirvaStacey McIlwaine
Jason WalshDarryl Barnes
Cody HallKuljeet Cheema
Shawn SedlarMike O’Dell
Cody HallShawn Sedlar
Stacey McIlwaineMike O’Dell
Shawn SedlarMike O’Dell

BOGEY Play Offs

Each match should be contested over two rounds (home and away), each worth the usual 6 points. The player with the most points after two matches wins the round. If the score is 6-6 after two rounds, the players should proceed to sudden death immediately following the conclusion of the second round. The players may agree to play a single round match. Please report your total match result, not the individual round results.


Carey Day

Bogey Division Table

PosPlayerPlayedHomeAwayBonusTotal Points

Bogey Division Schedule

Trudy NicholCarey Day
Wynn DalePam Schuetze
Melanie VothKelly Francis
Diane PilotteHank Pilotte
Hank PilotteWynn Dale
Carey DayDiane Pilotte
Melanie VothTrudy Nichol
Kelly FrancisPam Schuetze
Wynn DaleKelly Francis
Hank PilotteCarey Day
Diane PilotteMelanie Voth
Trudy NicholPam Schuetze
Carey DayWynn Dale
Melanie VothHank Pilotte
Kelly FrancisTrudy Nichol
Pam SchuetzeDiane Pilotte
Diane PilotteKelly Francis
Hank PilottePam Schuetze
Carey DayMelanie Voth
Trudy NicholWynn Dale
Trudy NicholDiane Pilotte
Kelly FrancisHank Pilotte
Wynn DaleMelanie Voth
Pam SchuetzeCarey Day
Hank PilotteTrudy Nichol
Diane PilotteWynn Dale
Carey DayKelly Francis
Melanie VothPam Schuetze
Kelly FrancisMelanie Voth
Pam SchuetzeWynn Dale
Hank PilotteDiane Pilotte
Carey DayTrudy Nichol
Diane PilotteCarey Day
Wynn DaleHank Pilotte
Trudy NicholMelanie Voth
Pam SchuetzeKelly Francis
Melanie VothDiane Pilotte
Carey DayHank Pilotte
Pam SchuetzeTrudy Nichol
Kelly FrancisWynn Dale
Trudy NicholKelly Francis
Wynn DaleCarey Day
Hank PilotteMelanie Voth
Diane PilottePam Schuetze
Kelly FrancisDiane Pilotte
Pam SchuetzeHank Pilotte
Wynn DaleTrudy Nichol
Melanie VothCarey Day
Hank PilotteKelly Francis
Melanie VothWynn Dale
Diane PilotteTrudy Nichol
Carey DayPam Schuetze
Trudy NicholHank Pilotte
Wynn DaleDiane Pilotte
Pam SchuetzeMelanie Voth
Kelly FrancisCarey Day
Pam SchuetzeHank Pilotte
Carey DayTrudy Nichol
Pam SchuetzeCarey Day